Beyerdynamic, the “Craft Beer” of Headphones
By Front End Audio on Jun 28th 2017

We had a visit from Beyerdynamic at Front End Audio. A huge thank you to our main man, Mr. Parker!
He brought along a smorgasbord of gear, but Beyer headphones in particular are always a treat to experience. There were a few of us channeling Reika dog and salivating a bit, waiting for our turn to ease those luscious pads over our expectant ears.
(Well that started to read a bit pornographic...sorry for the extra weird excitement there...)
Anyways, to get back to the topic - we all agreed that Beyerdynamic headphones are more of the "craft beer" line for headphones in the industry. There is a lot of consideration towards functionality and comfort that goes into each pair. Handmade in Germany with an intense focus on quality; these babies go through automotive as well as manual human testing for the utmost quality control. The pads and headbands are plush and extremely comfortable, and some pairs even come with multiple options on the pads.
The Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro are by far the most popular series for Beyerdynamic; it's a nice all around closed back option with a low impedance that allows for a decent sound from smart devices when choosing the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro-32 ohms option. But we at FEA thoroughly enjoy and also recommend the Beyerdynamic DT880 and Beyerdynamic DT990. The DT880 is the semi opened option and the DT990 is open backed, which if your sitting at the desk listening all day long, helps with ear fatigue.