Vintage Shure Mics, and the need for a cable
By Front End Audio on Oct 6th 2016

We all know there are many of the vintage Shure Unidyne mics out there. Whether it's a 55S, or another classic Unidyne, folks hold on to these loved “oldies, but goodies”. However, those that have these classic mic are often in need of a mic cable. That is where RapcoHorizon comes to the rescue. RapcoHorizon is know for make high quality cables (for the stage and the studio), at a reasonable price point. RapcoHorizon has that price/performance ratio that makes them a reliable bang for the buck, that is second to none.
Where they come to save the day here, is with the RapcoHorizon 3-Pin Amphenol Microphone Cable. If you have a vintage Shure Unidyne mic that utilizes the 3-Pin Amphenol connector, this is the cable you need for your mic. And for those of you that have something like the Shure 545, that uses the 4-Pin Amphenol connector, that cable is also available. It is oddly enough, called the RapcoHorizon 4-Pin Amphenol Microphone Cable.
Keep those beautiful classic mics alive in the studio, making music!