The New Magix Samplitude Pro X3 Suite is Here!
By Front End Audio on Aug 12th 2015

Experience professional audio editing and mastering redefined, with the brand new Magix Samplitude Pro X3 Suite.
With ARA now natively integrated into the Suite, you can use the GRAMMY award-winning plug-in, Melodyne, for easy pitch shifting and time stretching. Seconds is all it takes and you don't even need to load vocals to the Melodyne editor beforehand!
You'll also have access to new features such as tempo automation, the Audio to MIDI function and new mixer layouts for a more compact mixing console. The Suite also comes with the full version of Sound Forge Pro 11 ensuring that you’ll have every tool you require.
The brand new Samplitude Pro X3 Suite was designed specifically to meet the highest demands of audio professionals and ushers in a new era of music production.
For a limited time upgrade from a previous Professional or Suite version for just $199. Wow!