The Much Loved Black Lion Audio Bluey Comes to 500-Series!
By Front End Audio on Feb 9th 2023

The Black Lion Audio Bluey 500 500-Series Compressor is a modified "Blue Stripe" FET limiter / compressor and a 500-series recreation of Chris Lorde-Alge’s most prized 1176 — used on every lead vocal he mixes. In addition to vocals, the Bluey 500 is ideal on bass guitar, drum room mics, keys and buses. It features two Cinemag transformers and recreations of the original UTC and Reichenbach input and output transformers. The Bluey 500-Series is stereo-linkable and includes a wet/dry mix knob for parallel compression – a feature not available on the original. The I/O buffering has been taken directly from Chris Lorde-Alge’s console inserts and each unit has been hand-tested, calibrated and QC'd in the USA.
The original “Bluey” is Chris Lord-Alge’s not-so-secret weapon. It's a heavily-modified compressor with years of odd-fixes, modifications, and upgrades. After working with Chris to reverse-engineer the many years’ of mods, component replacements, and upgrades, Black Lion Audio was able to make the legendary Bluey sound accessible to everyone with their original 2U Black Lion Audio Bluey Compressor. Now you can get that unmistakable sound, squeeze, heft, and grit of the original Bluey in just two 500-series slots at a fraction of the original’s footprint.
For detailed specs and additional information, please visit the Product Page or call us at 1-888-228-4530. We're here to help!

Bluey 500 Audio Demo: Soul Vocal
Bluey 500 Audio Demo: Drum Bus