Save up to $200 on Black Lion Audio's most popular compressors!
By Front End Audio on Sep 13th 2022

Black Lion Audio has just announced the "Inflation Compression" promotion. Save up to $200 on the Black Lion Audio Bluey Compressor, Black Lion Audio B172A Compressor, and Black Lion Audio Seventeen Compressor at Front End Audio – now through the end of October!
The Black Lion Audio B172A Compressor is on sale at $200 off! With the B172A, you get two styles of compression in one unit! The B172A features an 1176-style compressor like the Black Lion Seventeen and another compressor based on the classic LA-2A! Two types of compression, one amazing deal!
Take $100 off the Black Lion Audio Bluey Compressor! The Bluey is a modified "Blue Stripe" compressor based on the ultimate "golden unit" owned by Chris Lord-Alge.
Save $60 on the Black Lion Audio Seventeen Compressor! The Seventeen is Black Lion Audio's modern take on what the classic 1176 Compressor "should have been".
The Black Lion Audio "Inflation Compression" promotion ends October 31st, 2022 so now is a great time to pick up a new compressor for your studio! If you have any questions about these compressors or any of Black Lion Audio's products, give us a call at Front End Audio and we'll be happy to assist!