Sandhill Audio Demos! Friday Just Got Kicked Up a Notch!
By Front End Audio on Apr 9th 2018

It's Friday, which is of course THE best day of the week. :)
Nothing can usually compete with that. Except for when it's Friday and you're handed a pair of Sandhill Audio 6011A Ribbon Microphones!
What?! Call a doctor because I just had a heart attack. [Just kidding around; we all know heart attacks are nothing to joke about. Keeping it real.]
Anyways, so lucky few at FEA get to seriously play around with a pair of Sandhill Audio 6011A Ribbon Microphones. We are excited to gain some experience and share that with you. More posts to come of the actually sessions and our final opinions. But in the mean time, if you've got any questions or opinions of your own then hit us up. We love to talk gear and we have a sneaking suspicion that we are going to love to talk about the Sandhill Audio 6011A mics.
Until next time. Remember to eat some leafy greens - they are good for your heart. <3