Make your life in the studio easier and more enjoyable – Improve your Room Acoustics!
By Front End Audio on Nov 13th 2018

Studio Acoustic Design mostly misunderstood as being a "black-art" only practiced by someone who is part architect and part witch-doctor, and who also charges a frightening sum for their services. And as audio continues its migration from professionally designed and purpose built spaces that have cost a fortune to design and build, to spare bedrooms and basement spaces repurposed as control rooms and tracking spaces, we run into the situation where the room's natural acoustics become something resembling "the bear that you're going to end up having to wrestle with at some point or another"… there's really no getting around the physics of sound.
Thankfully, wrestling the bear known as acoustics really is only more frightening than it is deadly. In fact, there are several all-in-one solutions that make this a one-shot solution. You see, most of our less-than-ideal spaces end up being a bit more ideal in that they are more predictable than spaces with strange angles. Companies like Primacoustic and Auralex have made very successful businesses out of catering to clients working to improve such spaces to be workable. And thankfully, the components of their room kits also work for commercial spaces as well.
Primacoustic offers the Broadway London Room Kits, which include everything you need to treat a room. Depending upon your square footage, there is a London Kit right for your room:
- The Primacoustic Broadway London 8 Room Kit is designed for rooms up to 100 sq ft (9.3 sq m), or can be combined with other products to treat larger spaces. Ideally suited for home theaters and studios, these easy to use kits are an affordable way to start with acoustic treatment.
- The Primacoustic Broadway London 10 Room Kit is designed for rooms up to 120 sq ft (11.1 sq m), or can be combined with other products to treat larger spaces. Whether you are building a recording studio, home theatre, or Boardroom, these easy-to-use kits are a perfect place to start.
- The Primacoustic Broadway London 12 Room Kit is designed for rooms up to 150 sq ft (13.9 sq m), or can be combined with other products to treat larger spaces. Ideally suited for studio control rooms and home theaters, these easy to use kits can be a single box acoustic treatment solution.
- The Primacoustic Broadway London 16 Room Kit is designed for rooms up to 200 sq ft (18.6 sq m), or can be combined with other products to treat larger spaces. Ideally suited for studio control rooms, tracking rooms, or large home theaters, these large kits provide everything needed for a complete acoustic treatment package.
And if you need to address some specific problem areas, such as needing more in the way of bass traps, add diffusors to break up reflections and tune frequency response of the room without adding more absorption or further deadending the room, there are a wide variety of accessories which can further help make the sound of your room something more linear and more musical.
Primacoustic has produced many videos which discuss room acoustics and provide lots of useful information regarding placement, the different kinds of room acoustic treatments:
The point here is that your recordings really are only as good as your room(s) sound. An instrument or amplifier played within a space that is both linear in regards to frequency response, which is neither too reflective nor too absorptive, and which avoids flutter echoes and standing waves, will sound and work better with other tracks when recorded and mixed. Plus, we've found from first-hand experience, that while there are some amazing technologies available in digital monitoring systems with room correction software, they are NOT a wholesale replacement for room treatment; this is a complimentary technology that further refines the frequency response of the monitors within the room where acoustic treatments will likely have some gaps in correction.
You're likely going to have some questions, and we've got answers! Give us a call at 888-228-4530 and we'll solve your acoustic issues and help put you onto the path to enjoying recording more than you will saddled up with less-than-stellar sounding rooms.
Alan Moon | | 888-228-4530 x 106