Introducing the new Black Lion Audio PBR TRS3 Patchbay!
By Front End Audio on Jan 23rd 2024

Introducing the new Black Lion Audio PBR TRS3 Patchbay! Black Lion Audio has just announced the newest addition to their popular series of patchbays, the Black Lion Audio PBR TRS3 Patchbay! This patchbay features rear-mounted switches for Normal, Half-normal, and Thru operation. This takes the already-released PBR TRS patchbay (with only normal operation) and brings it to a whole new level. It's got the same, black-anodized aluminum faceplate and reinforced steel chassis as the other patchbays in the series. The quality is the same as well. We're talking 96 audiophile-grade gold-plated TRS connectors. Included with the PBR TRS3 patchbay, are front panel labels so that you can label each point yourself. Black Lion Audio also offers custom patch labels if you go to their website!
As we all know, every part of your signal chain in the studio is important. You want quality through and through. These aren't your average patchbays. Black Lion Audio knows quality and they put a lot of work into these to ensure the best quality possible for your studio - at an affordable price! We're happy to let you know the Black Lion Audio PBR TRS3 Patchbay is available for purchase now at Front End Audio! If you have any questions about the PBR TRS3 or any of Black Lion Audio's other products, give us a call at Front End Audio! We're here to help.