Front End Audio is Focusrite RedNet Certified
By Front End Audio on Feb 22nd 2021

Front End Audio is excited to announce that we are Focusrite Pro RedNet Certified, holding both Core and Advanced Certifications. These certifications were obtained in February 2021, with official training (via video conferencing) by Focusrite Pro's Education and Post Production Sales Mangaer Peter Tilley. Each certification required a test to illustrate a proper understanding of the RedNet and Red Range products from Focusrite. As of February 17th 2021, these certifications were awarded to Front End Audio's Sales Manager Ryan Ferris - though other members of Front End Audio were present during the class, so that we can better assist those looking to get the best Dante enabled network audio system for their needs (be that in the studio or on the stage).
While Front End Audio is now officially certified by Focusrite, we have long sold and supported the RedNet line (since it was first officially launched back in 2013). We can say proudly that not only do we love and support this great network audio solution, everyone that has worked with us to get a RedNet system has had nothing but rave reviews for their enhanced and powerful new workflow.
Front End Audio looks forward to continuing a close relationship with Focusrite, and assisting and supporting our RedNet customers (past, present, and future). If you have any questions about RedNet, Red Range, or need to expand your existing network – shoot us an email or give us a call.