FREE Drum Sample Pack with RME Interfaces!
By Front End Audio on Jun 2nd 2022

RME has announced a new Drum Sample Pack that will be included with every RME Audio Interface! The sample pack is called the True Sound Studio RME Drum Sample Pack. These drum samples were all recorded by Ryan Wiesner of True Sound Studios using the RME BabyFace Pro FS USB Audio Interface.
This unique pack only available with the Premium Plugin Bundle (included with RME interfaces) was recorded at indoor and outdoor locations such as reverb lush grain silos, waterfront, garage and studio rooms. The samples include kick, snare, toms, rims and hi-hats along with percussion to make your recordings truly unique and with premium sound quality!
When customers register their RME interface, they will be sent to the RME plugin bundles page to receive instructions for the Sample Pack with all of the FREE 3rd party plugins.
If you have any questions or would like help finding the right RME Audio Interface for you, give us a call! We'll be happy to help :)