TC Electronic Announces the Clarity M Audio Meter
By Front End Audio on Aug 6th 2018

TC Electronic has announced the new Clarity M Audio Meter. The Clarity M is touted as "the perfect audio toolbox for music creation and sound for picture, to help you make those crucial mix and mastering decisions."
The Clarity M provides: stereo and 5.1 audio metering for mixing, mastering, and post - and is compliant with all major broadcast standards. Displayed are True-Peak, LM6 Loudness Radar, mono deviation, L/R Correlation , frequency analysis, and more. Combine this with a USB connection for VST, Audio Units, and AAX plug-in metering at 44.1kHZ - 96kHZ (44.1kHZ-48kHz physical), MAC and Windows compatibility, and it's 800x480 7: TFT (color) display; the Clarity M will provide all the detailed information about your audio that you need.
The TC Electronic Clarity M's unparalleled functions, provide a veritable audio toolbox to help you make the right mix and mastering decisions, and with the high resolution LCD display, your readout will always be crisp and clear - in any studio environment. With its powerful suite of dedicated stereo tools, the Clarity M is the ultimate metering extension for music production and mixing. Based on our industry-standard loudness algorithms, the deviation meter helps you avoid bad mix-down surprises, ensuring that your mix sounds great no matter how it's played back. The correlation meter lets you easily identify phase issues and other anomalies, and with the RTA you can monitor frequencies outside your hearing range and easily pinpoint where your mix is mudding up.