Introducing the ADK Munich M-7 T-FET Microphone
By Front End Audio on Jan 13th 2023

The ADK Munich M-7 T-FET Microphone is the most vintage sounding of all the T-FETs. Inspired by the Neumann M7 Capsule, the ADK Munich give a rich, creamy, and punchy tone that hearkens back to the sound of the 50's. There is a notable mid forwardness, with a robust bottom end, and smooth subduded top end. The mids are slightly tilted to the low-mid, with a punchy mid range, and creamy upper mid range. Overall you get an extremely musical microphone that shines as a vocal mic, but is also absolutely stellar on brass. In fact it is being used by Jazz at the Lincoln Center on tour for many of the brass players. This is a special mic that stands on it's own.

The ADK Munich M-7 quickly became a favorite mic of mine. I took one home to cut vocals for my new punk rock project, and after only tracking vocals for one song - I knew I was keeping the mic. It has such a smooth and rich character, yet does not lack in detail or articulation. When your music is driven by High Gain Guitar tracks that are pushed along by grumbling bass and tight transient drums, you need a vocal with power that sits up front in the mix. Not only did the Munich M-7 give me the power the vocal track needed (there was tons of chest and throat in the track, when I was never closer than around 8 inches away from the mic), but the vocals still had detail and intelligibility. If you want the detail and sensitivity of a condenser, but with a full bodied rich mid range focus, and the smooth punch and musicality of really almost like a dynamic - the Munich M-7 is a clear winner. This mic is perfectly and beautifully suited for all vocal applications. And, it is now my main vocal mic in my studio.
Ryan Ferris, Pro Audio Sales